Buy Voltaren Ophthalmic Solution
Check Voltaren Ophthalmic Solution Prices VOLTAREN OPHTHALMIC SOLUTION is a nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drug (NSAIDS) that is used to treat anterior uveitis (inflammation of uveal tissues in the eye) and iritis (inflammation of the iris) in pets. VOLTAREN OPHTHALMIC SOLUTION works as a prostaglandin analog, meaning it blocks the enzyme responsible for the production of prostaglandin. Prostaglandins are substances similar to hormones which can cause inflammation and pain in the areas they are produced. By inhibiting the presence of prostaglandin the inflammation is reduced. VOLTAREN OPHTHALMIC SOLUTION is not formulated for animal use as it is not approved for use in pets however veterinarians can still prescribe VOLTAREN OPHTHAMIC SOLUTION legally as an extra-label drug. When used for long term periods of time VOLTAREN OPHTHALMIC SOLUTION can cause anterior uveitis in cats, uveitis in dogs, and chronic uveitis in any pet with diabetes. It is extremely important for your veterinarian to be aware of any existing allergies to NSAIDS and/or VOLTAREN OPHTHALMIC SOLUTION and if your pet is taking other drugs as negative drug interactions can occur when using VOLTAREN OPHTHALMIC SOLUTION. VOLTAREN OPTHALMIC SOLUTION should not be used if your pet has glaucoma, an eye hemorrhage, or systematic clotting abnormalities. Administer VOLTAREN OPTHALMIC SOLUTION as instructed by your veterinarian; always make sure to complete the prescription as failing to do so can result in detrimental consequences. You can find discount pet medications such as VOLTAREN OPTHALMIC SOLUTION at At you’ll find that your safety is never compromised as we are a CIPA (Canadian International Pharmacy Association) certified pet pharmacy that only sells FDA and EPA approved drugs. As a licensed online pharmacy we follow standard protocols which is why we require a veterinarians prescription in order to supply you with our pet meds including VOLTAREN OPHTHALMIC SOLUTION. Any questions you might have regarding VOLTAREN OPTHALMIC SOLUTION, pet medications or pet health in general can be answered by our staff. Feel free to call us at toll free 1-877-311-CURE (2873); our hours of operation are 6-AM-6PM Monday to Friday, and 7AM-4PM Saturday.