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ABC Petmeds / Protopic Ointment

Safely Buy Protopic Ointment ( Tacrolimus ) from Canada Prescriptions Plus.

( Top Brand Option )

Protopic Ointment

Prescription Required
Formulation : Topical Ointment
Drug Name Dosage Quantity Price Buy Now
Protopic Ointment 0.10% 60g $130.00 Add To Cart
Protopic Ointment
Dosage: 0.10%
Quantity: 60g
Price: $130.00

( Affordable Generic Alternatives )


Prescription Required
Formulation : Ointment
Drug Name Dosage Quantity Price Buy Now
Tacrolimus 0.10% 60g $82.00 Add To Cart
Tacrolimus 0.10% 120g $157.00 Add To Cart
Dosage: 0.10%
Quantity: 60g
Price: $82.00
Dosage: 0.10%
Quantity: 120g
Price: $157.00


Buy Protopic Ointment Online (Tacrolimus – Generic Alternative)

Check Protopic Ointment Prices

PROTOPIC OINTMENT (Tacrolimus) is a medication used in the treatment of keratoconjunctivitis sicca, (dry eye) and chronic superficial keratitis, (inflamed cornea) in dogs. PROTOPIC OINTMENT (Tacrolimus) reduces the activity of the immune system, which then reduces the inflammation response.

Your veterinarian will explain how to administer PROTOPIC OINTMENT (Tacrolimus) to your pet properly. If you are confused by your veterinarian’s directions, contact your veterinarian for more information before attempting to administer PROTOPIC OINTMENT (Tacrolimus).

PROTOPIC OINTMENT (Tacrolimus) is applied to the eye. Make sure you give your dog the appropriate dosage, never more or less. Clean the eye with a sterile eyewash solution before administering PROTOPIC OINTMENT (Tacrolimus). It is recomm

Additional information

Brand Name:

Protopic Ointment

Scientific Name:


Other Names:

Tacroz Forte, Topgraf



Quantities Available:

60g, 120g


Ointment, Topical Ointment

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