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ABC Petmeds / Deltasone

Safely Buy Deltasone ( Prednisone ) from Canada Prescriptions Plus.


Buy Prednisone Online

Check Prednisone Prices

Prednisone is the generic alternative to Deltasone and is not manufactured by the same company. Prednisone is an oral anti-inflammatory and is a member of the glucorticoid class.

Prednisone reduces symptoms of swelling, inflammation, redness, itching, and allergic reactions. It also reduces blood calcium. Prednisone is used to treat illnesses in pets such as Addisons disease, shock, spinal cord and brain disorders, and other conditions associated with low blood sugar. It can also be used along with chemotherapy medications to prevent or treat nausea and vomiting symptoms caused by chemotherapy.

Do not give your pet Prednisone is they have suffered seizures in the past, have a type of mite, stomach ulcers, high blood pressure, kidney disease, corneal ulcers, osteoporosis, or congestive heart failure.

Common side effects of Predni

Additional information

Brand Name:


Scientific Name:


Other Names:

Prednisone, Winpred


1mg, 2.5mg, 5mg, 10mg, 20mg, 50mg

Quantities Available:

90, 100



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