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ABC Petmeds / DDAVP Nasal Spray

Safely Buy DDAVP Nasal Spray ( Desmopressin ) from Canada Prescriptions Plus.


Buy DDAVP Nasal Spray Online (Desmopressin- Generic Alternative)

Check DDAVP Nasal Spray Prices

DDAVP NASAL SPRAY (Desmopressin) is a medication for cats and dogs that is used in the treatment of Central Diabetes Insipidus (CDI). CDI is a condition that causes extremely strange behavior in your pet. He/ she will constantly be thirsty and drinking water, as well as, suffer from a substantial increase in urination. An aggressive cycle such as this can cause dehydration which will cause other symptoms.

The reason CDI occurs is because of a low production of vasopressin. Vasopressin is essentially what keeps the kidneys working properly. DDAVP NASAL SPRAY (Desmopressin) works by providing the body with a man made form of vasopressin so that normal bodily function can be returned.

DDAVP NASAL SPRAY (Desmopressin) can also be used to provide relief for Von Willibrand’s disease, a bleeding disorder. This is condition is most likely to occur in dogs.

Desmopressin, the generic alternative to DDAVP NSAL SPRAY, is not manufactured by the company that makes the brand name product. is a reputable online pharmacy that provides safety and quality in the products they sell. A large selection of pet drugs is available at incredible savings. In addition, is certified by Pharmacy Checker and the Canadian International Pharmacy Association (CIPA).

DDAVP NASAL SPRAY (Desmopressin) and other pet medications can be purchased using the fast and easy online shopping cart service. If you have any questions or concerns a toll-free telephone service is also available. Just call 1-877-311-CURE (2873). representatives would be happy to help.

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DDAVP Nasal Spray | Desmopressin | DDAVP Nasal Spray | Minirin Nasal Spray

Additional information

Brand Name:

DDAVP Nasal Spray

Scientific Name:


Other Names:

Desmopressin Spray



Quantities Available:

15mL, 25mL


Nasal Spray

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