About Us - ABC Petmeds
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ABC Petmeds / About Us


As pet owners, we know how costly it can be to keep your pet or farm animal healthy. That is why we started ABCpetmeds.com; an online pet pharmacy dedicated to providing the lowest prices for the medicine that your pet needs.

At ABCpetmeds.com, you can rest assured that your pet’s or farm animal’s medication is approved and filled by a licensed pharmacist. All of the medication is the exact same as the pet medicine that you would purchase from a veterinarian except that we are able to offer enormous savings.

Our on-staff Customer Care Specialists and pharmacists are more than happy to help you answer any questions about ordering prescription medicine or concerns you might have about the medication. With over 10 years experience in the online pharmacy industry, we are proud of the fact that we have a flawless safety record and that we can pass pet medication savings along to you so that your pet can stay healthy and happy

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